The IX Ranch continues a family tradition of ranching with a commitment to excellence in environmental stewardship and livestock production.
Since 1955, our main goal has been to raise high quality feeder cattle while maintaining our natural resources in the way Mother Nature intended. We strive for perfection in all aspects of our operation. From the range we manage and our animals’ welfare to our employees and the conditions they work in everyday. We continue to keep an eye on the future and look forward to the many challenges and opportunities that exist in this ever-changing industry.
1850 ~
1853: Cornelius John McNamara born in Fair Haven, Vermont
1879: McNamara arrives in Montana and goes to work for Charles A. Broadwater.Construction begins on Ft. Maginnis
1880: Ft. Maginnins completed, McNamara becomes post trader in a partnership with Broadwater. Indian reservation lands reduced and large chunks of Montana opened to cattlemen.
1882: Thomas A. Marlow, a nephew of Broadwater, became associated with the Broadwater, McNamara & Company at Ft. Maginnis.
1886-87: Severe winter wipes out many free range cattle operations
1887: Broadwater, McNamara, and Marlow began negotiations with Harrison to purchase the Montana Cattle Company. Railroad establishes water station near Big Sandy, Broadwater and McCulloh buid a large warehouse next to the track.
1888: Purchase completed, North Montana Cattle Company (forerunner of McNamara & Marlow, Inc.) is created. Sam A. Miller joins NMCC
1890 ~
1892: Charles A. Broadwater dies, Tom Marlow is called to Helena to manage Broadwater's Montana National Bank
1890's: McNamara and Marlow import a flock of Suffolk sheep Charley Dyer joins the firm
1897: M & M enter into a contract with Home Land and Cattle Co. to purchase 500 head of horses and all of the Company's cattle, estimated to be 30,000 head that ranged in the counties of Valley, Dawson, and Custer.
1898: Home Land and Cattle fails to meet terms of the contract
1899: M&M wins a judgement against Home Land and Cattle
1900: McNamara marries Agnes Dorothea Miltz in Janurary McNamara's first son, Arthur, born in December
1900 ~
1901: M&M begin importing herfords and large draft horses to improve local blood lines.
1905: Clifford McNamara is born
1910: Northern Montana State Bank established
1929: Stock market crash and start of the Great Depression
1930 ~
1933: Federal Bank Holiday shuts down many banks, Northern Montana State Bank survives, reopens and is extended a line of credit from First National Bank of St. Paul. MN
1938: T.A. Marlow dies, McNamara family purchases the Marlow interest in the firm and changed the name of the company to McNamara Cattle Company.
1939: Sam A. Miller dies
1943: C. J. McNamara dies
1950 ~
1955: McNamara Cattle Company is sold
1955: Ranch ownership changes-Arthur H. Roth, Jr. assumes management
1956: Hay harvest changes from loose hay to square bales
1960: Poco Beuno bred Quarter Horses brought to ranch
1962: Clifford McNamara dies
1963: Introduction of Canadian Hereford sires
1966: King P234 son sires ranch Quarter Horse mares
1969: Acqusition of NL Ranch and 5 year lease on Ft. Belknap Reservation
1970 ~
1971: Cowboy Artists of America spend week on ranch
1975: Natural gas exploration on ranch begins
1980: Initial center pivot irrigation installed on NL Ranch
1986: Hereford-Red Angus cross females introduced into breeding herd
1987: Gov. Swinden awards ranch for outstanding stewardship of School Trust Lands
1990 ~
1991: Ranch enters into Block Management Agreement with Fish Wildlife and Parks
1992: Stephen A Roth assumes management
1993: Ranch in cooperation with MSU initiates range land analysis
1993: Grandson of Zan Parr Bar sires ranch Quarter Horse mares
1994: Biological agents introduced for Leafy Spurge control
1997: Hay harvest converts to round bales
1999: Leachman Stabalizer Bulls used in cow herd
2000 ~
2002: Richard Roth returns to ranch to ranch
2003: Acquisition of Bear Paw Springs lease; Introduction of Angus genetics into cow herd
2004: 1st annual Leafy Spurge bug collection day in July; ranch becomes Certified Undaunted Steward; 160 acre center pivot installed at Whitcraft location
2005: Ranch celebrates 50th anniversary;
2006: 1st breeding season using all Angus genetics; Yearling heifers sold as All Natural
2007: Steve Roth elected President of the Montana Stockgrowers Association (2-year term). Ranch receives 2007 Montana Environmental Stewardship Award
2008: 30 Composite bulls purchased from Leachmans of Colorado and used on 1st year heifers
280 acre center pivot blown over and ruined in 4th of July wind storm
2009: Ranch develops and implements wildlife managment plan with Bear Paw Hunts
2010: 15 Composite yearling bulls from Fort Keogh USDA Research Center in Miles City, MT are used in conjunction with Leachman bulls to breed replacement heifers. Calves out of these heifers in the spring of 2011 will be DNA tested to determine which bulls bred which heifers
2010 - Ranch donates $10,000 to MSU Bio Science Building
NCBA features ranch in Beef Quality Assurance brochures and other NCBA literature.
2011 - Extreme springtime flooding cost the ranch over $100,000 in damages
2012 -
2013 - Hired Ken Clegg of Private Lands Consulting to work with ranch’s outfitter to increase quality wildlife numbers within the ranch
2014 - IX Ranch listed for sale by Hall & Hall for $69,000,000
2015 - Received highest price for calves in ranch’s history $255.90/cwt
2017 - IX Ranch featured in Western Horseman December 2017 winter edition
2018 - Cowboys without borders films on ranch
2019 - Awarded 2019 Great Montana Ranch by the Montana Pro Rodeo Assoc.
BBC London filmed branding
2020 -